Friday, March 22, 2013


Sunday morning pre-coffee orgasms
dappled sunlight reflects through the window off the snow outside
We are the only ones home

"Why did you ever kiss me?" you asked

Time stopped
I meditated for a moment
Paused between action and non-action
Time resumed
I kissed you

That moment, your touch,
so real as to be surreal
To kiss you----
     like a chess move
     always one lapse away from checkmate

"As an ending" I replied

A brief interlude; book-ended by kisses

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Once (RadioLab)

Once upon a time, according to Plato via Aristophanes,
Humans were born in pairs, attached, entwined
forming an intimate ball
Women + Men
Men + Men
Men + Women
Women + Women
Paired for life

We had 8 limbs and 2 faces
4 limbs on top
4 on bottom
We didn’t have to walk upright, but rolled
We had symmetry
We had strength
The strength led to courage
The courage led to pride
The pride led to arrogance
We decided we were greater than the gods
In a decidedly human act of bravado and stupidity we rolled up towards heaven to overthrow them
Zeus, wielding thunderbolts, struck everyone in two
Couples were now detached, separate
Alone and lost, losing the will to live
The Gods saw they needed to remedy this sad state of affairs so a few repairs were made:
Heads were rotated to face permanently forward
Skin was knotted at the belly button
Most importantly,
We were left with a longing, a memory of the other half of our selves
Today we call that concept of a person our soul mate
To this day we roam the world
Desperately seeking symmetry,
Eternally longing for our other half

There are 7 billion people alive on Earth today all still sensing they are missing someone
There have been over 100 billion people, ever
                the odds are not in our favor

On the way to Greys River for Volcanology we stopped to pick Ken up
He was standing on the side of the road holding a sign that said “Quaternary”
He was prepared to hitchhike home too, the reverse side read “Holocene”

we cut words out of an old geology textbook
pasted them over each other's hearts
then kissed;
each trying to embody the word the other wore

I remember most the love; 
simple and unassuming
Your lips tasted like figs
Your kisses reminded me of the first cherries in spring

Loving you like Icarus too close to the sun.
My heart tangled in geology and ancient mythology.
Tender, like sunbathing in the Rockies in May

I loved the wrong man for years, convincing myself he was an engineer masquerading as an artist---
that he saw me as a poet masquerading as a scientist 
One of the first things he said was how worn out the record was
I loved it because of its worn out sound; well played, well loved
Turns out that records are still better than
And every time we listened to
The Beatles
I was reminded that

in a uniquely human act
full of hope and hubris
we sent a golden record shooting through space
a cultural Noah’s Ark,
a living myth with a billion year shelf life
It had language, music, poetry, a kiss, humpback whales singing and the recorded brain waves of Ann Druyan
Ann and Carl Sagan had discussed the possibility that in a thousand million years some future life form would be able to take the recording of brain waves and REM and reconstitute it into thoughts

Initially unbeknownst to them, Ann and Carl had fallen in love contemplating the vastness of space,
discussing how to encapsulate humanity and introduce us to the cosmos

One night, during a trans-continental phone call, they realized they were soul mates
The realization of this love came as a flash insight
A scientific discovery of the heart

They had never even kissed

Ann's brain waves were recorded the next day and two days after their record was launched into space they were married
They were together until Carl died 15 years later

[A thousand million years is a long time, who knows what is possible in a thousand million years]

upon a time
there was nothing
nothing became something
It was the Pre-Cambrian.
thousands of millions of years passed
oxygen led to algae
single cells became multi-celled
gradually life exploded
It was the Cambrian .
millions of years passed
existence became larger than life,
extinction loomed on the horizon
It was the Cretaceous.
millions of years passed
apes appeared in the fossil record
It was the Cenozoic.
time passed
Humans arrived in the fossil record.
Humans created gods.
It is the Holocene.

during a video chat, as you leaned forward to find a translation
I began counting the freckles on your forehead
That night I dreamed I counted all the freckles on your body
It took me a lifetime
                like counting sheep
                a dream within a dream
I awoke missing you

According to Plato, when we find the other half of our soul we recognize it instantly
There is an unspoken understanding
We are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy
These lucky people spend their whole lives together
But if you asked, they could not quantify what they desire of each other

After Carl’s death Ann said “The tragedy was that we knew we would never see each other again.” 

I want to love like that.

I want to love you like that.

For Keeps

Thursday, October 25, 2012


The last, slow moving moth of the season landed on my glasses frame tonight
It reminded me of the first time we kissed
     unsucessfully hiding from the spring Texas rain
You tasted of cigarettes,
I wanted to keep your lips forever----
     the rain kept the moths away

Uncountable, pristine, exquisite moments later
I nearly verbalized recently discovered emotions during a trans-atlantic phone call
Now, I am studying the topography of your life on Google maps
Geography may be the death of this

Inside my heart
Like thousands of moths
Captured for a moment in floodlights
Hopeful uncertainty
Captured for a moment in possiblity 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Albania; Comparisons are Odious

I was sitting in my hotel room in Cotulla, TX, attempting to nap after working nearly 24 hours straight when my boss called me on my personal phone, my first thought, "uh-oh, what now?!" I answered the phone with a cautious "hello" and learned that I would be leaving for Albania (like the country in Europe?) for a core handling job. I flew home from Texas, was in Colorado for literally 14 hours and then began the 24 hour journey here; Denver to Washington Dulles, Dulles to Vienna, Vienna to Tirana. Whew! I had never been to Europe and I must say I prefer traveling south, the jet lag killed me!

It was nearly one year ago exactly that I first traveled out of the U.S. to Argentina and I am reminded daily that comparisons are odious, but I cannot stop making them. When I started this job someone told me "enjoy visiting all the assholes of America/the world." I laughed them off, and still do. But I think what they were really trying to tell me was that no matter where you go in the world, oilfield towns all bear a startling resemblance to one another. The town of Fier, Albania where we are currently working bears an uncanny resemblance to the town of Neuquen in Argentina where I spent a month and a half this winter. Comparisons are odious.

Albanian is a very foreign language for me. It is not a romance language so my rudimentary understanding of Spanish is no help at all! So far the only word I can remember how to say is "thank you" and that took about 3 days of practice to master! Italian functions pretty well as a second language and I am quickly figuring out what phrases/words are similar in Italian and Spanish. And there are quite a few people who speak a little English. I am struck, here, with the realization that English is a lazy, sloppy, un-beautiful language. We have no accents on syllables and the structure of our sentences is so bizarre. However, I am slowly mastering the art of non verbal communication and learning to love the challenge of communicating with only a few words in common. El mundo es muy linda; the world is so beautiful.

Comparisons are odious; the culture here is saturated with age and history, wrapped in technology, tetering between communism and capitalism, at the same time vibrant and muted; comparisons are odious. We visited the ancient ruins of Apollonia and I saw my first olive trees and my first really old artifacts and structures. I found myself wandering through an orthodox monastery, realizing just how old Europe is. I think we get brainwashed in the U.S. (and probably other countries as well) with the importance of our own history. But we are such a young country. Wandering these ruins, I was saturated with the age of the country, the multiple cultures and occupations, the ancient/new history of it all. It was an eye opening experience I struggle to put into words.

We spent yesterday at the beach in Vlore, on the Adriatic Sea. It was one of those days where I wanted to pinch myself repeatedly because it seemed too beautiful to be reality. The beach was a little cove surrounded by limestone cliffs dropping into crystal clear water. We climbed and jumped off of cliffs, swam around in the calm water and I explored the geology a little. One of the first papers I ever wrote about geology was about the tufa towers at Mono Lake in California. I remember reading that in Greece and other countries tufa was a common building material. On our first night here we walked into an underground restaurant with walls made entirely of tufa, I was SO excited. Swimming in the Adriatic there were fresh water springs bubbling up, deliciously cold, and many meters below my feet, living tufa being formed. In that moment I was first a geologist, second everything else!

More to come later. Here are a few pictures!



Saturday, July 28, 2012


Once, we were backyard neighbors with a man who had a cat named Cat
In the winter, when the shrubs were all sticks,
we would laugh as we watched Cat stalk man from the roof
The man wandering his yard calling,
It was infinitely amusing                                                                                                                                      

I found myself recalling that duo and wanting to laugh
as your too eager lips traveled over my sun drenched collarbone
I kissed you then, instead of laughing
You tasted of my sweat; it tasted like summer

There have been moments, periods of time,
when I have forgotten the feel of your fingers on my skin
But even in my dreams, in my deepest sleep,
I remember and yearn for your kisses
In my dreams your kisses always taste like ice cream.

Sizzling Forecast

In lava topped mesas
baked ocher in summer's heat
I see your eyes

The heat here is comforting, reassuring
I embody my mother
Stride from room to room
Opening windows following afternoon showers
The house becomes cool

It is with mundane tasks
  the small monotony of folding clothes
That I notice the passage of time
  faded lettering on college t-shirts reminds me,
I will never see him again

In the blazing, glaring, sizzling mid-July sun
I search for adjectives
Peach juice running down my face
In this heat, my fingers are instantly sticky

Monday, April 30, 2012

6 weeks in south Texas, Spring 2012

6 weeks in south Texas, Spring 2012
Day 33
I now measure time
In daily toothpaste usage
my teeth are quite clean

Day 34
My tongue in your cheek
Irony is all I feel
for Mesquite blossoms

Day 35
X-Mas eve ‘02
Ziggy Stardust playing loud
John was still alive

Day 37
Cancer is pretty
Iridescent death glimmers
My pockets are lined

I chased the sunset
West. Plain to valley to peaks.